Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any questions? We might have the answers.

General Information

Can I generate X% profit with this bot?

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There’s no guarantee that you will reach a fixed amount of profit, because your gains and losses depend on the way you configure your strategies. We suggest testing your strategies out with the backtesting and paper trading tools to see how your strategy would work in different conditions.

Is this a trading bot?

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Yes, we use terms like “trading bot”, “market analysis engine”, and “strategy engine” interchangeably. However, we prefer the term “engine” over “bot”, because even though it’s an application that performs many tasks and calculations for you, you are still the one in control of it, you are still the one who gives it a direction, and, in other words, you are the one who drives it.

How can I use the services Jellydator provides to improve my trading?

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It may be hard to track all markets along with their prices and charts all day long. Jellydator provides tools that do all that for you: the Jellydator market analysis engine, Flapjack, can be used to place orders when the conditions you define are met; it can also notify you, letting you stay in control of order placing and asset allocation.

Is there a mobile app that I can use?

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No, at the moment, both your account and the analysis engine application can be accessed via a browser (this includes PC/desktop and mobile browsers).

Technical Information

I don't know how to self-host this application. Where do I start?

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Self-hosting might sound scary at first, but don't worry! We have step-by-step guides to help you. Head to our documentation page to get started.

Do you have a cloud-hosted option?

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At the moment, we offer only local/self-hosted options. We believe that having all of your data safely stored on your computer/server ensures that your strategies remain private.

However, we plan to add a Jellydator cloud-hosted option that would allow users to deploy their engine with just a click of a button without having to download anything in the near future, stay tuned!

What exchanges do you support?

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At the moment, we support only Binance and Coinbase. We plan to expand this list in the future, but if you don’t want to wait, we also have a custom exchange API that allows you to write scripts that connect other, unsupported exchanges to our analysis engine. More information can be found on our documentation page.

What operating systems do you support?

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Our analysis engine application can be run on Windows and GNU/Linux operating systems.

Payments Information

Are there any features that I need to pay extra for?

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Once you pay for your engine instance, you get access to all of our UI tools, strategy execution features and exchanges. It's as simple as that.

When will I have to pay?

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Before you start using the strategy execution engine, you need to pay for the credits that are used every hour your engine instance stays active. Whenever the balance of your credits drops to zero, another payment needs to be made, otherwise the engine instance stops. You can see the balance of your credits at the top right corner of your account page.

I want to stop the analysis engine now and resume using it later without being billed every hour, how can I do that?

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To stop the engine completely, you need to follow these two steps:
  • Stop the engine process by either clicking on the “stop” button at the top right corner of the engine web UI or exiting the whole application. Make sure it isn’t still running in the background of your OS.
  • Delete the engine activation key from your account. You can do this by logging in to your account, navigating to the “Engines” tab, hovering on the engine key you want to delete, and then clicking on the “Delete” button.
Usually, this step is enough to stop being billed every hour and exit the engine application. However, stopping the engine process first by hand is a slightly cleaner approach as it allows you to be sure that you haven’t left anything running and that you aren’t expecting any additional calculations, orders, etc. to be made.

Can I get a refund?

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We don’t offer refunds. However, with our flexible pay-for-what-you-use system, you don’t have to pay for a full month upfront to be able to try out our analysis engine — you can buy a few days’ worth of credits before you fully commit.

Referrals Information

Where can I find my referral link?

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To find your referral link, log in to your account and click on your balance at the top right corner of the screen. Your referral link will be visible in the pop-up that will open up in the middle of the screen.

How many credits will I receive for a referral?

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After your friend’s payment is confirmed, you will receive 5% of credits from the amount they buy. For example, if your friend buys $100 of credits, you will receive $5 of credits for free! This applies to all payments they make.

I have been referred, when will I receive a bonus?

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You will receive a 5% credit bonus once your first payment is confirmed. For example, if you buy $100 of credits as part of your first payment, you will receive an additional $5 of credits for free!

I have referred many friends already, can I get a special referral bonus?

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If you feel like you may contribute or have already contributed significantly towards expanding our community, write us an email at [email protected] and we may apply special partner bonuses to your account.

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