Privacy Policy

Last updated: December 08, 2023

Welcome to Jellydator! Please carefully read this Privacy Policy before accessing/using the Jellydator application (hereinafter the “Platform”), the website located at (“Website”), guides, documentation and support (“Resources”) provided by Jellydator, MB. The Platform, Website, and Resources are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Service”.

The Service is owned and operated by Jellydator, MB, in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania. Any reference in this Privacy Policy to “the Company,” “we,” “us,” or “our” refers to Jellydator, MB and any reference to the “you,” “your,” or “User” refers to the individual or legal entity who accesses and uses the Service.

This Privacy Policy provides information on how we collect, use, share and secure your Personal Data when you use the Service and your rights relating to your Personal Data.

We process all Personal Data we collect from our users in compliance with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (EU GDPR) and other applicable Privacy Laws and Regulations.

Please do not use our Services if you disapprove of our privacy practices as outlined in this Privacy Policy.

1. Definitions

The following words, whenever used in this privacy policy, shall have the meaning defined hereunder:

2. Scope

This Privacy Policy only covers the Personal Data we collect from you when you access and use the Service.

3. Controller Details

Jellydator, MB, is the Controller of the Personal Data collected about you when you use the Service.

You can write to us at: Žilvičių 2-oji g. 2, Karčiupio k., LT-56327 Kaišiadorių r.

Email: [email protected]

4. Personal Data Collection and Use

We collect minimal Personal Data when you access or use our Services as outlined hereunder:

4.1. Personal Data we collect from you

4.2. How do we collect and use your Personal Data?

5. Retention Period

We do not retain your personal data for longer than required for the initial purpose for which we collected it, and in no event do we retain it after we cease to have a legal basis for processing.

Depending on the purpose of processing outlined in Article 4 above, we may retain your personal data as follows:

If we cease to have a legal basis for processing your personal data, we will either delete or irreversibly anonymise your personal data so it cannot be linked back to you.

6. Disclosure and Transfer of Personal Data

6.1. We respect your Personal Data, and we do not engage in the practice of selling or renting it. We only disclose/share your Personal Data in the circumstances described hereunder:

6.2. Your Personal Data may be transferred and processed outside of your country of residence. If your Personal Data is transferred and processed in a jurisdiction that is not deemed adequate by the European Commission, we will only transfer your Personal Data pursuant to appropriate Standard Contractual Clauses as required by the GDPR.

7. Storage and Security

Your Personal Data will be stored in Lithuania, other member states within the European Union, European Economic Area and other parts of the world in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Our Service is designed with the security of data in mind. We collect limited Personal Data, which reduces the risk and impact of data breaches on our users. We have also implemented appropriate organisational and technical security protocols to prevent any unauthorised access or deletion of your Personal Data. We use encryption protocols, firewalls, and periodic data audits to ensure the security of the Personal Data we hold. We also use secure third-party payment processors to collect and process our users’ payment data, so none of the financial data is stored in our database. We also restrict access to data within our Company on a need-to-know basis to prevent unauthorised access to any Personal Data. We have also adopted data security policies in line with the industry’s best practices.

Despite all our efforts to ensure the security of your Personal Data, You acknowledge that data transmission over the internet is never one hundred percent secure. Thus, we cannot offer any guarantees regarding the absolute security of your Personal Data. You acknowledge that the transmission of your Personal Data during the use of our Services is at your own risk.

8. Your Personal Data Rights

You have the following rights as a Data Subject:

9. U.S Privacy Laws

9.1. California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA)

We do not sell your personal data to any third parties. If you reside in the State of California, you have the right to request information regarding the disclosure of your personal data by the company to third parties for direct marketing purposes. If you wish to make a request, please contact us. We will make our best effort to respond to you within 20 business days.

You also have the right to request information about our privacy practices, how we collected your personal data, and with whom we share your personal data. You can obtain most of this information from Sections 4 and 6 of this privacy policy, and for any additional information, you may send us a request.

CalOPPA also requires us to inform our users how we respond to Do Not Track (“DNT”) signals when the user visits our website. Please note that we currently do not respond to DNT signals.

9.2. Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

COPPA puts parents in control of the collection of personal data from children under the age of thirteen. In compliance with the COPPA Rule, we do not knowingly collect any personal data from children under the age of 13. If you are a parent of a child who has submitted any personal data on the website, please contact us, and we will immediately investigate and delete any data relating to minors.

9.3. CAN-SPAM Act

In compliance with the CAN-SPAM Act, we agree that:

10. Amendments

From time to time, we may amend this Privacy Policy to reflect our new privacy practices and commitment to compliance with applicable privacy laws and regulations. We will post the updated Privacy Policy on this page and notify you of such updates by changing the last updated date on the top or by sending you an email. You should review this Privacy Policy regularly to ensure that you are familiar with any changes. You understand and accept that your continued use of the Service after the amendments are published will be deemed your tacit acceptance of any updated privacy practices.

11. Third-Party Links

The Service may contain links to third-party sites that are not owned or operated by us. Should you decide to click on any such third-party links, you will be directed to such a third-party website. These third-party websites are governed by their own legal agreements and policies. We encourage our users to review third-party legal agreements before using their services. The presence of any third-party links on our Website or Platform does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of such a third party, and we cannot be held responsible for such a third party’s actions.